This page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions about the apps that are being developed in the Societal Impact work package of Language in Interaction.
Navigate to the most frequently asked questions for:
1. Yvo (iOS)
This is a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the Yvo app.
1.1. For which platforms is Yvo available?
Yvo is available for iOS, only for iPad.
1.2. Is there an Android version of the App?
No, there is no Android version yet.
1.3. Is there an smartphone (e.g. iPhone) version of the App?
No, there is no smartphone version yet.
1.4. How can I see Yvo in the App Store?
You can only find Yvo in the App Store of the devices for which it is available. So, currently you can only find Yvo if you search in the App Store on an iPad. However, you can always find Yvo if you search within the app section of iTunes or if you use the following hyperlink:
1.5. Will there be a version for Android tablets, or smartphones, soon?
Because we think user experience is very important, we first want to further improve the iOS version, such as maximalizing the game experience, before we move on to other platforms and devices.
1.6. What is the best way to play Yvo? Is there a manual?
To discover how Yvo exactly works is part of the fun. However, if you want to find out more about the game workings you can read the set of rules (only in Dutch) here.
2. TicTacTeam (iOS)
Dit is ee This is a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the TicTacTeam app.
2.1. For which platforms is TicTacTeam available?
TicTacTeam is available for iOS, only for iPad.
2.2. Is there an Android version of the App?
No, there is no Android version yet.
2.3. Is there an smartphone (e.g. iPhone) version of the App?
No, there is no smartphone version yet.
2.4. How can I see TicTacTeam in the App Store?
You can only find TicTacTeam in the App Store of the devices for which it is available. So, currently you can only find TicTacTeam if you search in the App Store on an iPad. However, you can always find TicTacTeam if you search within the app section of iTunes or if you use the following hyperlink:
2.5. Will there be a version for Android tablets, or smartphones, soon?
Because we think user experience is very important, we first want to further improve the iOS version, before we move on to other platforms and devices.
2.6. How do I find a team player?
If you know someone with an iPad you can ask him or her to install TicTacTeam as well. If both of you start the app you will be asked both to login to the GameCenter, after that you will be automatically connected.
2.7. How do I install TicTacTeam?
First check whether you have connection with the internet and whether iOS version 8 or higher is installed on your iPad. Next, download TicTacTeam from the App Store.
2.8. How do I start a TicTacTeam play?
Start the app on your iPad. The first time you start the app you will be asked to login to the GameCenter. Use your own GameCenter account or create one. When your coplayer starts the app he or she will have to do the same. You thus both login with a different GameCenter account. Select both the same level. The first time you use the app this will probably be level one from the “Beginner” series. Next, press the button “Play now” approximately simultaneously. The connection between you and your coplayer will be automatically set and remains active until you close TicTacTeam.
2.9. Am I allowed to talk during the play?
We advise you not to talk during the game.Try to only communicate via the screen. The fun of playing TicTacTeam is partly there because you have to help each other by collaborating creatively, and you have to explore how you can make the goal of each puzzle clear to your coplayer in a fun way. Therefore agree not to make any noises or gestures. You can even both physically go to a different area!
2.10. Am I allowed to look at my coplayer’s screen?
We advise you not to look at your coplayer’s screen. The fun of playing TicTacTeam is partly there because it remains initially hidden how you can help each other best. You will discover this gradually. Therefore try not to look at each other’s screens.
2.11. We were disconnected during the play, what to do?
Sometimes it can happen that you loose the connection with your coplayer, e.g. because the WIFI is disconnected. You will notice this because you no longer see the actions of your coplayer on your own screen, and you will also not see the green circle appearing on his or her side (on your own iPad). If TicTacTeam does not signal you that you have lost the connection, try to warn your coplayer yourself. Restart both TicTacTeam and repeat the steps described below question 8.
2.12. What is the best way to play TicTacTeam? Is there a manual?
To discover how TicTacTeam exactly works is part of the fun. You discover playfully how you can control TicTacTeam and how you can collaborate in solving the puzzles. This joint exploration is what makes TicTacTeam partly so much fun. But if you nevertheless can’t figure out how the game works, you can download a manual (only in Dutch) here.
2.13. I want to play TicTacTeam with my family, but we all installed it with the same Apple ID. Now what?
When you play TicTacTeam, you will be asked to login to the GameCenter. This determines which player you are. The sign-in for the GameCenter can be the same or different from the Apple ID that is entered in the rest of the settings for the iPad (i.e. for iCloud, and iTunes and App Store). On two iPads, it’s thus possible to login to the GameCenter with two different user accounts while you share the same Apple ID for the rest, and also with a different user account (e.g. an Apple ID account without credit card) than you used for installing the app. In future versions of iOS, multi-user support will be added for iPad uses in schools.
3. LingQuest (iOS / Browser)
This is a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the LingQuest app.
3.1. For which platforms is LingQuest available?
LingQuest is available for iOS, only for iPad. It’s also possible to play LingQuest online via the browser.
3.2. Is there an Android version of the App?
No, there is no Android version yet. However, it’s possible to play LingQuest online via the browser.
3.3. Will there be a version for Android soon?
Because we think user experience is very important, we first want to further improve the iOS version, before we move on to other platforms.
3.4. Do I really need to install an app to play LingQuest?
No, it’s also possible to play LingQuest online via the browser.
3.5. How can I see LingQuest in the App Store?
You can only find LingQuest in the App Store of the devices for which it is available. So, currently you can only find LingQuest if you search in the App Store on an iPad. However, you can always find LingQuest if you search within the app section of iTunes or if you use the following hyperlink:
4. SynQuiz (iOS / Android / Browser)
This is a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the SynQuiz app.
4.1. For which platforms is SynQuiz available?
SynQuiz is available for iOS and Android. It’s also possible to play SynQuiz online via the browser.
4.2. For which devices is SynQuiz available?
SynQuiz can be used on tablets and on smartphones. However, it’s also possible to play SynQuiz online via the browser on PC or mobile devices.
4.3. Do I really need to install an app to play SynQuiz?
No, it’s also possible to play SynQuiz online via the browser.
4.4. How can I apply for the ongoing genetic studies?
There are two possibilities: First, take the full Letter & Numbers test within SynQuiz. When you are finished you can register by entering your contact information and providing consent to participate. Subsequently your contact information and the results of this test will be sent to the study database (note that we don’t send the results of the other 3 tests). Second, you can participate via our study web site.
4.5. I applied for the genetic studies using SynQuiz. How do I know that my registration was successful?
If your information was sent successfully, SynQuiz shows a message that your registration is complete. Your contact information as well as the results of the full Letters & Numbers test are now stored in the study database. You will receive a confirmation at the e-mail address you provided during registration. If your type of synesthesia is suitable for the study, you will be recontacted later.
5. Woordwolk (iOS)
This is a selection of the most frequently asked questions about the WoordWolk app.
5.1. For which platforms is WoordWolk available?
WoordWolk is available for iOS, only for iPad.
5.2. Is there an Android version of the App?
No, there is no Android version yet.
5.3. Is there an smartphone (e.g. iPhone) version of the App?
No, there is no smartphone version yet.
5.4. How can I see WoordWolk in the App Store?
You can only find WoordWolk in the App Store of the devices for which it is available. So, currently you can only find WoordWolk if you search in the App Store on an iPad. However, you can always find WoordWolk if you search within the app section of iTunes or if you use the following hyperlink:
5.5. Will there be a version for Android tablets, or smartphones, soon?
Because we think user experience is very important, we first want to further improve the iOS version, before we move on to other platforms and devices.
5.6. How do I know whether a specific word occurs in WoordWolk?
Currently not all words of the Dutch language are present in the database. The Dutch language contains over 50.000 words, while in WoordWolk there are only a few thousands of the most frequent words available. Behind the cloud “Wordlist” you can see exactly what these words are and there you can also look up your specific word.
5.7. I am looking for a specific word but I cannot find it. This word occurs in the word-list of WoordWolk. How is this possible?
WoordWolk uses a clever algorithm to help users in finding words. Sometimes this algorithm is not yet clever enough. On Radboud University fundamental research is being conducted on ways to improve the underlying technique of WoordWolk. By using WoordWolk you contribute to this research: we collect data about the way you are searching and analyse these data to find out how we can help you better in this search process.
5.8. What is the meaning of the series of points at the bottom of the main screen?
The series of points at the bottom of the screen reflect which pages there are within this main menu. You can see a series of clouds from left to right. If you just opened WoordWolk you see the cloud ‘Search with explanation’. On the right you see a small part of the second cloud. If you swipe your finger from right to left, the next cloud ‘Free search’ becomes visible. You also see that the second point in the series now has turned black. In this way you can swipe multiple times until you reach the last cloud ‘Word list’.
5.9. Is there a fixed trajectory to the words, or is this random?
The word you have to find in the ‘Search with explanation’ screen is random, in the ‘Free search’ screen you can pick the word yourself.
The words that you see next in the word clouds are not random. The small words are associated with the big word in the middle. If the big word has more than 7 associations, the ‘best’ 7 associations will be shown. You can view the other associations by swiping from right to left. Which associations you see (first) is dependent on all previous choices, i.e.: the path you have followed in the current search. In this way WoordWolk is trying to lead you to the right word, on the basis of all choices you made sofar.
An example: suppose you are following this path: where > forest > mountain, then you will see the word “mountain” among the words “donkey”, “snow”, “landscape”, “peace”, “meadow”, “antlers” and “quantity”. However, you can reach each word via numerous paths and if you reach the word via a different path, (possibly) other associations will be shown first. For example, if you follow this path: where > land > mountains > mountain, then you will see the word “mountain” among the words “package”, “river”, “journey”, “rope”, “grass”, “tree” and “to hear”. It’s thus possible to follow different paths to the same word, and the words that you encounter are not random.
The associations within a trajectory are always the same. If you start a new search and follow the same path again (where > forest > mountain), you will see the word “mountain” among exact the same words as the previous time.