The Scientific Advisory Board, consisting of (inter)national researchers who are excellent representatives of our field, monitors the quality of our research and educational programme. It receives Annual Reports and meets with a representative group of Language in Interaction researchers every second year. On this basis, it advises the Scientific Board of our consortium on the design and implementation of the research programme and on the achievement of its scientific aims.
The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of eight members:
- Prof. dr. Edward de Haan (chair), University of Amsterdam, Expertise: Neuropsychology
- Prof. dr. Karen Emmorey, San Diego State University. Expertise: Sign language, Multimodality
- Prof. dr. Peter Gärdenfors, Lund University, Expertise: Cognitive Science, Semantics
- Prof. dr. Elena Grigorenko, Yale School of Medicine, Expertise: Genetics
- Prof. dr. Morten Christiansen, Cornell University and Aarhus University, Expertise: Psychology
- Prof. dr. Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University, Expertise: Machine Learning
- Prof. dr. Kate Watkins, Oxford University, Expertise: Cognitive Neuroscience
- Prof. dr. Marianne Gullberg, Centre for Language and Literature, Lund University, Expertise: Psycholinguistics