HILS 2024: Call for posters is now open

The call for poster abstracts for the Highlights in the Language Sciences 2024 conference is now open. Please visit the conference website www.hils2024.nl to submit your abstract.

The Language in Interaction Consortium (LiI) organizes the Highlights in the Language Sciences Conference 2024, celebrating the conclusion of our 10-year Gravitation Programme and the advances made in language-related disciplines including genetics, neuroscience, psychology, linguistics and computational modeling.

Top-level key experts
The conference will take place 8-11 July 2024 at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. We are putting together an exciting programme with top-level key experts in the relevant fields of research. Confirmed speakers include David Poeppel (NYU, Strungmann Institute, Frankfurt), Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz (CNRS Paris), Vera Demberg (Universität des Saarlandes), Uri Hasson (University of Princeton), Barbara Kaup (University Tübingen), Tal Linzen (NYU).

Poster sessions
We invite abstract submissions for poster presentations in all topic areas related to the conference.  Submissions should not exceed 350 words of text (excluding references) and should fit on one A4 page. In addition, abstracts can include one page of figures and/or tables. 

Abstract submissions for poster presentations are now open and will close on the 15th of January 2024. Registration and attendance of the conference as well as the poster sessions will be free of charge.